
Next Walk: October 1st, 2009…


Click on “Next Walk” at the top of this page for more details!

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Name A Walk, Win Stuff!

Okay, so zombies aren’t exactly known for being clever. We can’t brain, we have the dumb! So it’s up to YOU to re-name our “Food Drive Zombiewalk” – and be rewarded for doing so! You have until Sunday, August 9th, 2009 at 11:59 (Pacific Time) to submit your name ideas.

If we choose your suggestion, we’ll send you a zombie prize pack! Included in this prize pack will be:
– zombie mini-makeup kit (for the zed on the go!)
– a Zombieland poster
– and a Dis-member Me Plush Zombie from ThinkGeek

Suggestions must be made via comment to this post or a tweet to @sdzombiewalk – we are not liable of Twitter is down or this website is down. If a suggestion is picked from those submitted, we will announce the winner on Monday, August 7th, 2009 on this website.

Make sure that you use a valid email address if you submit a suggestion here, as that is how we will contact you, or we will contact you via direct message on Twitter if you tweet the suggestion. You must be 18 or older to win and a resident of the United States. Void where prohibited and all that legal craziness. Oh yeah, and we won’t share your personal information with anyone, because that’s lame.

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October Walk Date & Location!

It’s official! Our third annual Food Bank Zombiewalk will be held in San Diego’s Gaslamp Quarter on Thursday, October 1st, 2009. More details to follow over the next couple weeks… sooner rather than later!


G4 Attack of the Show Coverage


CNN Coverage!!!

Thank you Chris Morrow!!!

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