Posts Tagged ‘walking through an undead wonderland’

ZombieWalk:San Diego + Anna and the Apocalypse!

Tuesday, July 10th, 2018

ZombieWalk:SanDiego + Anna and The Apocalypse!

That’s right!!! America’s Finest Zombies are teaming up with “Anna and the Apocalypse” to bring you jolliest horror-filled singalong this side of the pond! We’ll be hooking zombies up with some free swag, thanks to Orion Pictures!

“In Anna and the Apocalypse, a zombie apocalypse threatens the sleepy town of Little Haven – at Christmas – forcing Anna and her high school friends to fight, sing and slash their way to survival with a fast-spreading undead horde in relentless pursuit.

Teaming up with her best friend John, Anna and her crew fight their way through zombified snowmen, a ravenous bachelor party and high school hormones to try and save family and faculty alike. But they soon discover that no one is safe in this new world, and the only people they can truly rely on are each other.”

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Undead Wonderland Costume Ideas…

Thursday, June 28th, 2018

Since we have a theme this year – and are having a costume contest – we’ve scoured Amazon for some quick, easy ideas for you! Many of these can be easily zombified with some fake blood and/or zombie makeup. Let’s get the fake blood, prosthetics, and makeup out of the way first…

Now that we’ve given you some options on zombification, let’s find some things TO zombify!

Here’s some popular holiday-related characters…

Speaking of elves…

We’ve got you covered on other winter-themed costumes, too!

So you just want to be a festive zombie? Here’s some ideas for you!

Hopefully this gives you some ideas how to theme your undead self… and if you need makeup tips, check out YouTube! There’s LOTS of ideas there!

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Walking Through an Undead Wonderland…

Sunday, April 1st, 2018

Today seems like a good day to officially bring things back from the dead…

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